Foods By Color : Rainbow Recipe Index

Rainbow Delicious shares delicious recipes, meals plans and round-ups inspired by colorful ingredients. On this “Foods by Color” page you’ll find recipe inspiration, organized by color. Enjoy eating the rainbow!


Why Organize Recipes & Foods By Color

Aiming to eat the rainbow is a nice way to keep mealtimes colorful, full of variety, nutritious, and fun!

I like to categorize recipes into colors based on the main ingredient or overall color of a dish because first of all, it’s fun! And also, it encourages “eating the rainbow.” Food, especially fruits and vegetables, come in a variety of colors, and feels like nature’s way of adding a spectrum of important nutrients into our diet.

Below is an index of Rainbow Delicious recipes organized into colors. Some recipes obviously include multiple colors so I categorized it the best I could based on the overall look of the dish or a stand out ingredient.

Foods by Color: Red & Pink

A collection of recipes with red/pink ingredients like strawberries, tomatoes, watermelon, raspberries, and more!

Foods by Color: Orange

A collection of recipes with orange ingredients like sweet potato, butternut squash, carrot, bell pepper, pumpkin, peach, persimmon, citrus, and more!

Foods by Color: Yellow

A collection of recipes with yellow ingredients like lemon, banana, turmeric, grapefruit, corn, squash, golden beets, and more!

Food by Color: Green

A collection of recipes with green ingredients like kale, avocado, cilantro, sprouts, matcha, parsley, celery, lime, chives, grapes, Brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, cucumber, arugula, spinach, and more. Most of the Rainbow Delicious salad recipes are in this section. Eat your greens!

Foods by Color: Blue or Purple

A collection of recipes with blue or purple ingredients like plums, figs, grapes, cherries, acai, blueberries, and more!

Foods by Color: Rainbow

In these recipes no one color stands out because they are so colorful. Enjoy eating the rainbow!

Foods by Color: Brown

A collection of recipes with brown ingredients like coffee, cinnamon, oats, nuts, chocolate, and more!

Foods by Color: White

A collection of recipes with white ingredients like kefir, dairy, potatoes, and more!

If you make any of the recipes from this “Foods by Color” recipe index please share on instagram using hashtag #rainbowdelicious & and tag me at @rainbowdelicious , I’d love to see what you are up to in your kitchen!

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  1. I love your new Color index. It is amazing! Thanks so much.

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