Top 15: Not Your Mama’s S’mores Recipes

Get ready for some delicious s’mores recipes! But these are not your regular, average s’more recipes; these are unique and take the form of pies, crepes, galettes, fudge and more!

s'mores recipes : Top 15 Smore Recipes

S’mores Recipes

I know, s’mores are a childhood classic, but tell me I’m not the only one who is over eating them (and over-eating them) the same way every time? Well, I know I’m not because I keep seeing amazingly unique and mouthwatering s’more variations all over the food blogosphere.  Here are fifteen of my favorites. I usually try to keep my top 10 posts at ten recipes, obviously, but I just couldn’t this time! No campfire needed to enjoy many of these fab s’more twists:

s'mores recipes : Loaded Smore CrepesLoaded S’more Crepes from The Cookie Rookie

s'mores recipes : peanut butter smores galettePeanut Butter S’mores Galette from Port and Fin

s'mores recipes : Smore Cake with Marshmallow FrostingS’mores Cake with Marshmallow Frosting from The Crepes of Wrath

s'mores recipes : smore pudding pie recipeS’mores Pudding Pie Recipe from M Loves M

s'mores recipes : Smore Slutty BrownieS’more Slutty Brownies from What’s Gaby Cooking

s'mores recipes : Smores Bars

S’mores Bars from Gimme Some Oven

s'mores recipes : smores brownie barsS’mores Brownie Bars from Seasons and Suppers

smores cupcakes

S’mores Cupcakes from I Am Baker

s'mores recipes : smores graham krispie treats

S’mores Graham Krispie Treats from Country Cleaver

s'mores recipes : Smores Ice Cream SandwichesS’mores Ice Cream Sandwiches from The Chic Site

s'mores recipes : smores ice cream

S’more Ice Cream Recipe from Ashlee Marie

s'mores recipes : smores on a stick

S’mores on A Stick from Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom

s'mores recipes : smores stuffed cookies

S’mores Stuffed Cookies from Cookie Named Desire

s'mores recipes : smores ice cream cakeS’mores Ice Cream Cake from My Life of Travels and Adventures

s'mores recipes : triple chocolate smores barkTriple Chocolate S’mores Bark from A Kitchen Addiction

If you are looking for even more great s’more hacks, check out this list of s’more hacks by buzzfeed and my s’mores pinboard.

What’s your favorite way to eat a s’more? Don’t worry, I won’t judge you if you still prefer the classic. Well, maybe just a little 🙂

When you make any of these unique s’mores recipes please share on instagram using hashtag #rainbowdelicious & and tag me at @rainbowdelicious , I’d love to see what you are up to in your kitchen! 

s'mores recipes : Not Your Mama's S'mores Recipes

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  1. Quite sure I can’t pick a favorite, the collection is amazing!!! Some of them look too pretty to eat, but I’m sure I’d make the sacrifice 😉

  2. OMFG. These are fantastic. I am living in the UK where s’mores aren’t really a thing, but this is a great way to do them without the graham crackers (which are the most difficult ingredient to get ahold of here!).

    • I never realized graham crackers aren’t as widely available in the UK, best of luck making one of these variations! Marshmallows and chocolate are the most important ingredients in my book 😉

  3. Smores are one of my absolute favorite flavor combinations! I’ve made s’mores brownies, s’mores on a stick, and cookies. Now I’ll have some more recipes to try out!

  4. These all look so good, I want to try every one!
    Molly and Stacie

  5. Oh my gosh, all of these look AMAZING! I’m especially drooling over the ice cream!

  6. Seriously I DIE, these all look SOOOOOO good! thx so much for including my ice cream!

  7. S’mores are the best thing. I always forget how much I love the flavor until I enjoy one during the Summer. Best advice? Add peanut butter or use a peanut butter cup in place of the chocolate bar. All of these look amazing!

  8. That is quite the collection. OMG I am dying. Every single one looks delicious but the ice cream sandwich ones… dying.

  9. Alicia Snow says

    My husband is obsessed with S’mores so he will be so excited I came across this! Thanks for sharing!

  10. Who knew there were so many fabulous ways to eat s’mores?! Great collection!

  11. WHOA!!! A s’more roundup? I can’t even. I might have to extend my summer celebrations just to test out all of these treats.

  12. Christina says

    Yummy!!! There are too many to choose from. I think I would start with S’mores Brownie Bars from Seasons and Suppers- those look amazing. They all do. I think I’m going to try one of these recipes when we go camping- maybe something I can premake to take with us. I love how they are all so different. The regular version gets old!

    • I totally agree that the regular version gets old! I hope one of these variations is a big hit on your camping trip!

  13. Oh man, I should have never clicked this link on an empty stomach. These all look so scrumptious!! Best comfort dessert ever.

  14. What a great round up! And that S’mores cake with marshmallow creme? SWOON.

  15. Whoa the s’mores bars look GOOD!

  16. This is quite a collection of decadence. Lol. Wonderful recipes!

  17. We are seriously lacking in this childhood treat over here in the UK and it’s something that should be remedied. I am seriously tempted by all these adult versions too.

  18. Wonderful round-up. Smores isn’t really a big thing here in Australia, but I feel like it totally should be. I’m massively in favour of that smores gallete!

  19. Amazing! So many choices to choose from! Love s’mores in any form!

  20. Wow! What a fantastic round-up! You can never have too many smores!

  21. K seriously I need all of these right now . Especially that smores CAKE. yummmmmmm!

    xo Candace

  22. Mmmm these all look so yummy. I just sent a link to my baker friend. It’s almost my birthday and this is now on my list!!

  23. SO very unique S’more recipes — Thank You for Sharing!! XO.

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