Foods by Color: Brussels Sprouts Recipes

Brussels Sprouts

I hope you love Brussel sprouts because I have 14 amazing Brussels sprouts recipes to share with you today!

As a child I thought Brussels sprouts were disgusting and we would all complain when my dad would cook the little cabbages up as as a side with our dinner.  We were just complaining about the smell, I don’t think any of us ever even tried them.  I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t give brussels a real chance until about two years ago when I was visiting my parents and my Dad brought home a whole stalk of them from a produce stand along the coast.  They looked intriguing and fresh and surprised me by tasting as amazing as they looked!  As my grandfather would have said, “my taste buds have matured.” He always told us one day they would, whenever we didn’t like to eat something that he did (miss you, Grandpa). I really have grown to love the flavor, especially when roasted, and all the health benefits are a definite bonus.

Health Benefits
Brussels sprouts are members of the cabbage family and therefore have many of the same nutritional benefits of other cabbages.  Brussels Sprouts contain a chemical called sinigrin which suppresses the development of precancerous cells, basically encouraging precancerous cells to commit suicide.  They also contain other cancer fighters like isothiocyanates and sulforaphane. Brussels also deliver folate, potassium,vitamin K, and a small amount of beta carotene.

In Season and Storage

Brussels sprouts are available year round but their peak season is September to mid-Feburary. Look for compact, firm and green sprouts that are 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide.  To store, remove loose or damages leaves and keep in the coldest part of our refrigerator in a produce bag.  They’ll last a couple of weeks there but it is best to cook them as soon as possible as the flavor starts to change in an unpleasant way.

Brussels Sprouts Recipes Round-Up

14 Delicious Brussels Sprouts Recipes

 chopped brussles sprouts salad with creamy shallot dressingChopped Brussels Sprout Salad with Creamy Shallot Dressing from Pinch of Yum 

brussels sprouts lasagnaCheesy Brussels Sprouts Lasagna from How Sweet Eats

shredded brussels sprouts salad with fried goat cheese
Shredded Brussels Sprouts Salad with Fried Goat Cheese from Heather Christo

quinoa with caramelized butternut squash and roasted brussels sprouts
Quinoa with Caramelized Butternut Squash and Roasted Brussels Sprouts from Iowa Girl Eats

bacon, brussels sprouts and goat cheese pizza
Bacon, Brussels Sprouts and Goat Cheese Pizza from Pink Parsley

Pan Seared Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Pecans
Pan Seared Brussels Sprouts with Cranberries and Pecans from Rachel Schultz

brussels sprouts grain
Brussels Sprouts Gratin from Simply Recipes

shredded brussels sprouts and citrus salad
Shredded Brussels Sprouts, Kale and Kumquat Salad from Yum Sugar

brussels sprouts with bacon, avocado and lime
Brussels Sprouts with Bacon, Avocado and Lime from In the Little Red House

chopped brussels sprouts with dried cranberries, pecans and blue cheese
Chopped Brussels Sprouts with Dried Cranberries, Pecans and Blue Cheese from Two Peas and Their Pod

rigatoni with figs and brussels sprouts
Rigatoni with Figs and Brussels Sprouts from Love and Lemons

roasted brussels sprouts and cauliflower lasagna
White Lasagna with Roasted Brussels Sprouts and Cauliflower from Foodtastic Mom

brussels sprouts and grape galette
Brussels Sprouts and Grape Galette from Oh My Veggies

{Sources: 150 Healthiesst Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden & Cooking Light Photo Source: Russel Kipnis on Etsy}

If you make any Brussels sprouts recipes from this post please share on instagram using hashtag #rainbowdelicious and tag me at @rainbowdelicious , I’d love to see what you are up to in your kitchen!

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  1. Jessica Renae says

    Brussel sprouts have never looked so good! Thanks for sharing all these recipes! I think I would have given them a try years ago if I had seen pictures like these of what could be done with them. They are the smelliest member of the cabbage family I know of, but it’s a shame that until adulthood, I couldn’t see past that to give those healthy little buggers an honest try.

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